
This is Where I Will Put Things That Interest Me/ Things About My Day to Day Life That Don't Fall Into The Other Tabs

art by Suehiro Maruo


This will probably be the page I post the most to, so expect updates to this page in the future!!



Why Are People So Loud? 1/8/19


Where ever I go, people are always screaming at the top of their god damn lungs. I doesn't matter where I am. At school, people scream in the hallways. Teachers scream in classrooms, because people don't pay attention. At work, people always yell for more supplies, and yell at me when I "mess up". It doesn't help that I get chronic migraines that last for up to 12 hours. Even when I'm home alone, in a neighborhood filled with old folks, people always seem to be yelling outside, or making some sort of ruckus (and always when I have a headache, coincidently). I can't wait until I can live in a cave.


How I Feel Today 12/21/18


oh yeah play yume nikki if you haven't


I Woke Up Too Early 12/20/18

This morning I woke up from a dream at about 2 AM, I heard some weird beeping and a robotic voice saying "BATTERY LOW". In my dream, I was making a movie with a camcorder, so I figured it was just a continuation of my dream that seaped over as I was waking up. I quickly fell back to sleep, however, 30 minutes later the same thing happened...... and the beeping continued. It ended up being the smoke alarm we have in my house, which had an incredibly low battery life. It was eventually fixed, but I didn't fall back to sleep.


I Had A Weird Day Yesterday 12/19/18

I had to disect a fetal pig in my anatomy class, It was really disgusting. The teacher made us name him too, which is even more bizarre. My group named him the Latin name for a domestic pig, so that we wouldn't get attached. I smelled like dead pig juice for the rest of the day. It wasn't fun. I also listened to Last Christmas by Wham like 20 times.